The Ad Libitum Guitar Orchestra was formed on 1999 autumns in Budakeszi city. The meaning of our ensemble’s name is “as you wish” because any kinds of styles can be found in our repertoire from the Renaissance one until the 21st century’s music works. We also perform our own pieces and our pop transcripts in our concerts.
The current members of the Guitar Ensemble are:
Ágota Bárkányi, Katalin Rónai-Czentár, Tamás Kocsis.
The Ad Libitum-members were: Lilla Paltesz: 1999-2011, Gábor Kocsis: 1999-2003 and Peter Andorka: 2011-2013.
We were pupils of the guitar teacher László Kozma in the guitar faculty in Czövek Erna School of Music in Budakeszi city. This “musical workshop” made an opportunity for it, that apart from the guitar other instrumental game (piano, flute) too may acquire and let us put an implement onto guitar orchestra and Renaissance chamber musical knowledge which created a determining musical basis for us.
Some of the Ad Libitum members pursued musical studies in an other institution beside the music school, like on the division of song music of the Budakeszi Elementary School, the Városmajori Grammar School, or on the ELTE TÓFK academic specialisation being a teacher of song music; but they also had active members of more choirs (Budapest Academic Choir Company, ELTE TÓFK Female Choir, Stella Kamara Choir).
Since our forming we gave several concerts in Budapest, in Pest county (Budakeszi, Páty, Pilisvörösvár, Budaörs, Törökbálint, Pilisszentiván, Biatorbágy, Tápiószentmárton, Vác, Sződliget) and in the other areas of the country (Szeged, Debrecen, Balatonfüred, Balatonaliga, Berkenye). We made appearances among other things in churches, in museums, on charity programs, on festivals, on exhibition openings, on conferences, on weddings, in universities.
We sound a diverse musical instrument on our concerts with Guest Artists’ collaboration (flute, recorder, oboe, English horn, drum, rhythm musical instruments), and our performances are enriched by singing artists too.
We established an association for the support of our Guitar Orchestra’s activity in 2003. The association’s and the ensemble’s aim the broadcasting of the classical musical culture, the classic and modern guitar music and at what with a wider circle happening acquainting. We organize musical camps in every summer for children in order to make them take a liking for the guitar music.
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of our forming, we published our first record in December in 2009 with a title of “ÁLOM” (“DREAM”) on which sounds the gems of the guitar orchestra’s repertoire.
Our new concert series “By the Music for the Hungarian Historic Monuments” begins from the autumn in 2011 with which we would like to call the attention onto the importance of the protection’s of historic buildings, onto the coacting force of music, for it concerned, that how important to entail with an open eye and an open heart, and to notice the real values in our homeland in the course of the rushing weekdays.